Again together with Compilothèque, L'Eléphant and void*ptr (Pieter Heremans) we organised a day with art, entertainment and food, all connected by experimental walks and games (!) between the 4 places. The special thing this time: we exchanged the places among the organisations! At the end of the day we passed the baton on to a constant event.
>11:00 L'Eléphant at HOTELbich
(Rue Gallaitstraat 80, 1030 Brussels): brunch - exhibition Laurent De Meyer "morceaux choisis" part 1, music by David Rolo, projection of Delphine Mathy
>walk #1: start ca. 13h: exectution of three-sided footbal game by Asger Jorn
>14:15 Void*Ptr at L'Eléphant
(Rue Thiéfrystraat 53, 1030 Brussels): installation and performance audio-offset
>walk #2: start ca. 15:15: walk-choreography
>16:00 la Compilothèque at Void*Ptr
(Avenue Princesse Elisabethlaan 46, 1030 Brussels): "installation ré-hydratante" and concert by Benjamin Franklin
>walk #3: start ca. 16:45: magic theatre on the road by David Néaud + "multiple" by Lotte Van den Audenaeren -
>17:30 HOTELbich at La Compilothèque
(Quai des Péniches/Akenkaai 50, 1000 Brussels): contemporary performance stuff met Benjamin Vandewalle/David Helbich and snacks by oscar, Travis and Katja
>19:00 Sci-fi-pic-nic organised by Constant vzw
FREE ENTRANCE FOR EVERY EVENT - drinks and food to be payed
and a special picture collection here!