WIEDER-Aufbau 4

Wednesday, 12 Nov 2008, 20:30

in-betweenissage - show - two videos and all for the sake of sound:

with the presentation of Jérôme Porspergers expo,
a performance by the current resident Boris Baltschun
and an 'wiederaufgebaute' (reconstructed) installation by Baltschun/Helbich.

Jérôme Porsperger, Brussels
Do you know: pa papa papapapapapa? (2008)
nine A0 prints, one CD player
Jérôme Porsperge
opera autorouta (2008)
Boris Baltschun, Berlin, current resident of HOTELbich
bruoc sella pre-listening (2008)
sound-art performance
Boris Baltschun + David Helbich (Brussels)
There are many ways of saying Gleichzeitigkeit (2005)
dubble video-sound installation
+ Noises (2009)
DJ set Boris Baltschun

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